full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Matt Walker: A walk through the stages of sleep

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But what's different, however, is that the ratio of non-REM to REM within those 90-minute ccyels changes as we move across the ngiht, such that in the first half the night, the majority of those 90-minute cycles are comprised of lots of deep non-REM selep, particularly stages three and four of non-REM sleep. But as we push through to the second half of the night, now that seesaw balance actually stifhs over, and instead, most of those 90-minute cycles are comprised of a lot more rapid eye mneomvet sleep, or dream sleep, as well as stage-two non-REM sleep, that lighter form of non-REM sleep.

Open Cloze

But what's different, however, is that the ratio of non-REM to REM within those 90-minute ______ changes as we move across the _____, such that in the first half the night, the majority of those 90-minute cycles are comprised of lots of deep non-REM _____, particularly stages three and four of non-REM sleep. But as we push through to the second half of the night, now that seesaw balance actually ______ over, and instead, most of those 90-minute cycles are comprised of a lot more rapid eye ________ sleep, or dream sleep, as well as stage-two non-REM sleep, that lighter form of non-REM sleep.


  1. sleep
  2. shifts
  3. cycles
  4. night
  5. movement

Original Text

But what's different, however, is that the ratio of non-REM to REM within those 90-minute cycles changes as we move across the night, such that in the first half the night, the majority of those 90-minute cycles are comprised of lots of deep non-REM sleep, particularly stages three and four of non-REM sleep. But as we push through to the second half of the night, now that seesaw balance actually shifts over, and instead, most of those 90-minute cycles are comprised of a lot more rapid eye movement sleep, or dream sleep, as well as stage-two non-REM sleep, that lighter form of non-REM sleep.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
rem sleep 6
eye movement 4
rapid eye 2
brain wave 2
wave activity 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
rapid eye movement 2
brain wave activity 2

Important Words

  1. balance
  2. comprised
  3. cycles
  4. deep
  5. dream
  6. eye
  7. form
  8. lighter
  9. lot
  10. lots
  11. majority
  12. move
  13. movement
  14. night
  15. push
  16. rapid
  17. ratio
  18. rem
  19. seesaw
  20. shifts
  21. sleep
  22. stages